Hey Friends. I hope my post finds you well.

Never since I started investing in stocks has the market been more confusing and convoluted. Our financial foundations seem to be floating on air today. National debt was 122.9% of the nominal GDP for our nation as of September 2023.

If you’re wondering where we’d reach a point of no return (national irreversible default) and interested in reading more on the matter, go here and here.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of assessing the balance sheet of any type of investment you’re considering today in order to evaluate risk. It has always been essential in mitigating potential loss of invested money to spend the up-front time in carefully assessing risk. The risks today are more complex at many levels than any of us have observed previously, in my view. The balance sheet has never been more important across my investing tenure with stocks. My book is titled “Choose Stocks Wisely” because it focuses on how the balance sheet can be employed in risk assessment with regard to stock investing.

See you next time.