I’m wondering how many of you that well remember the tech boom at the turn of the century think a similar situation is forming, at least among some key tech stocks driving the Nasdaq today.

While I’m not going to name specific tech companies, I’ve noted a significant number that are racing ahead on recent strong earnings reports. While it’s reasonable that earnings growth would be rewarded with higher valuations since earnings drive stock prices, the P/E ratios are starting to price in a ton of future earnings growth. This is a key marker I recollect in the 90s leading into the year 2000. Dot com stocks from that time were often experiencing robust earnings growth but stock prices had raced far ahead in terms of the level of earnings being assumed by the stock price. That is, a lot of future growth in earnings was being assumed by the stock prices.

We all know what happened. Earnings started to slow and 2000 and the next several years saw stock prices descend as fast as they had gone up. A significant number of companies from that time were either absorbed by other companies or no longer exist due to bankruptcy.

It’s always important to own valuable companies and those with healthy balance sheets. From my personal vantage point, it is a heightened time for that thinking once again. Many of those high-flying companies before the dot com crash attracted many investors near the heights. As I wrote in my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” I was caught in that euphoria and that hard lesson was a key factor in driving me to the balance sheet strategy I favor today.

Have a good weekend and next week, friends.