My book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” is all about the importance of the balance sheet equity (described as Stockholders’ Equity on the balance sheet) toward properly evaluating the quality and worth of a share of common stock. When you buy a share of common stock in a company, you are buying a share of the equity. So, analyzing the balance sheet equity of a company before investing money into that company is not only logical but also essential.

In this post, I want to discuss briefly how a company’s quarterly income statement impacts the equity value of a common share of stock. The income statement measures the company’s recent activity related to producing a corporate profit. Income is added to the balance sheet equity at the close of each successive quarter. Income is a term interchangeable with profit and with earnings. When income is spread over the number of common stock shares outstanding on the marketplace (i.e. net income/# of common shares outstanding), the result is referred to as “earnings per share.”

If a company has balance sheet equity per share of $10 (found by taking Stockholders’ Equity/# of common shares outstanding) just before a quarterly income report that reveals the company produced $2 of earnings per share (eps) for the quarter, then after the report, the balance sheet equity per share would be $12 ($10 + $2 = $12). If the quarterly income statement showed a net loss of $2 per share, the equity would be diminished to $8 per share ($10 – $2 = $8).

Based on everything I’ve observed over my investing tenure, the stock market is preoccupied today with a company’s quarterly income report and the resultant earnings per share to the virtual exclusion of examining the balance sheet equity. Earnings are very important to where equity goes next, as I’ve attempted to explain above. However, a quarterly income statement cannot be viewed properly if isolated from a context of the balance sheet equity. A stock’s worth today is impacted not only by today’s income statement and income statements yet to come, but also by all prior income reports. This is because each and every earnings report changes the balance sheet equity.

Past earnings are a known amount and are responsible for contributing to the amount of equity (or shareholder wealth) that is revealed on a company’s current balance sheet. Again, when you buy a share of stock, you buy a share of company equity. Well, what is the company’s equity position “when” you buy a stock, without regard to future revisions to that equity position due to future earnings? After all, you are buying in the present, not in the future.

My simple point is that if one is going to buy a share of common stock, also known as a share of equity, the analysis has got to start with the balance sheet. It provides the only context for properly evaluating the potential effect of future income statements on the value of the share of equity acquired.

This post is an over-simplification in that a company’s balance sheet equity amount today can be changed by more than just future income reports. For example, a company can issue more common stock on the market. That would be a financing activity, not an income activity, and would increase the balance sheet equity. Another example would be a company paying a dividend. Here a company is paying out part of its prior earnings. This will reduce the amount of balance sheet equity, yet not be considered an income activity to be included on the income report. Thus, there are company events other than income events that can change balance sheet equity. However, the central event to real equity or wealth improvement is that of income generated by the company. This post is intended to put the income event, as captured by the Income Statement, in its proper context, namely the corporate Balance Sheet.